God was lonely.
It was empty where He was,
and suddenly a thought formed in
Her mind:
"What purpose is there in my Being?"
I know all things, but there is
nothing to know. I have all power
but there is no-thing, so power
is meaningless. I am all there is
so meaning itself is non-existent.
Therefore, since I am all there Is,
there is no Other to Be in contrast
In that infinite nothingness,
that timeless dead silence God realized,
that God did not exist.
The Utter Awareness of God's No-Thing-Ness,
a total Realization of the Lack,
boiled up in that Conciousness and
the Primal Sound blew forth from a
forming Heart in an explosion that forever ripped
apart that Emptiness, in a flash of light
that swallowed all the Darkness, all the Lack.
"BE !!!!!"
was the cry from the depths of
God, and Time became, along with
Space, as the sound resounded outward
along the boundaries of Infinity.
God had left Eternity.
She saw Herself in the mirror of a
growing, exploding universe,
and He began to create, His tears
forming inummerable seas,
on myriad worlds, plants, and beings
of fin, fur and scale, in every color
She could begin to imagine, She
sprinkled on the billions of worlds that
now were.
God was still lonley.
"I would be known, even as I now
know all I have done." So God
made yet another being, in Her own
form, a knowing Being, and seeded them
throughout the Universes.
On the worlds, the Knowers raised their
eyes to the great expanse of Creation,
and gave thanks to their Author.
God knew this would happen, so
He did one thing further.
In each being that drew breath, from
the ant to the shark to the Knowers
God implanted a yearning, just as She
had first felt, a longing to be known and
to know, to Love and be Loved.
And then,
as all this wonder spred out before His Face,
God willed Himself to Forget everything
except one thing;
the Knowers.
When you pick up a child,
lay with your lover,
reach out to the poor, the pained,
the suffering and the hopeless,
listen sharply and carefully,
and you will hear The Voice,
softly saying from your child,
your lover, the poor and the wretched,
"Who Am I? Remind Me Who I Am."
God left Eternity
to Love You,
to Be In you.
We remind God of that Love,
when we too cry out to Love,